How Acupuncture Works

For thousands of years Chinese Medicine has acknowledged that there is a Vital Life Force that flows through all things, referred to as Qi (“chee”), more commonly called energy.
Acupuncture is based on the understanding that Qi circulates within the body through channels known as Meridians.  These pathways relate to different organs and aspects of the body.  When the balance of this system is disturbed, due to trauma, stress, emotions, poor diet, medications, environmental factors or hereditary conditions, disease and illness manifest.

Chinese Medicine works to restore the natural balance and rhythms of the body, improving your health and vitality. It can also illuminate the underlying root cause of the issue, allowing you to deeper understand your overall Life Experience.


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Benefits of Acupuncture
What does Acupuncture Treat?
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Dr. Julie Burke • NCALB# 499 LMBT # 2987 • Asheville, NC • 828.231.5825